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Featured Study

This 6-part video series describes the kidney transplant process. Health care providers will share their knowledge, and people living with kidney disease will share their experiences. It is our hope that these videos will help you learn what you can do to have a successful transplant.


Identifying the Unmet Healthcare Needs of Kidney Transplant Recipients Who Experience Graft Loss: Learning From Patients’ Experience

Kidney transplant recipients who experience organ rejedction are an increasing group of patients whose care needs are largely unmet. The lack of patient perspectives is a key research gap. This research team conducted an in-depth exploration of the experiences of these patients to identify their he…


Barriers to conversations about deceased organ donation among adults living in the UK: a systematic review with narrative synthesis

This study explores the barriers to conversations about deceased organ donation among adults living in the UK. 

Four main thematic barriers emerged:

  • (1) jinx factor—cultural beliefs associating discussion of death with bad luck;
  • (2) generational impact—younger people were more open but cautiou…

“They Know You Better Than the Transplant Team”: An Interpretive Description Study Exploring the Perspectives of Living Kidney Donors About Care Received From Family Physicians

This study explored how living kidney donors experience the involvement of family physicians in their donation journey. The research team asked: (1) How do living kidney donors view the role of family physicians in the donation process? (2) What support and guidance do they need and expect from the…


Ask, do not tell: consulting a patient advisory board to understand unmet needs of patients with GVHD in Europe

Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a complication of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) that has a low chance of complete remission and a substantial effect on morbidity and mortality.
To better understand how to improve the field of GVHD research, management, and care, the cGVHD E…

BC Transplant

BC Transplant oversees all aspects of organ donation and transplant across BC and manages the BC Organ Donor Registry.


Southern Alberta Transplant Program

This service specializes in organ transplant for people living south of Red Deer. Serves people who need solid organ transplant (kidney, pancreas, liver, lung, or heart), those who have had a transplant, and potential living donors.


Northern Alberta Blood And Marrow Transplant Program

Provides care and support to people requiring cellular therapy.

Offers care and support for people having an allogeneic or autologous blood and marrow transplant or immune effector cellular therapy (CAR T-Cell).


The Saskatchewan Transplant Program

The Saskatchewan Transplant Program facilitates the pre and post-transplant care of organ recipients in Saskatchewan. 
In addition, Sask Transplant is also responsible for living and deceased kidney transplant in the province, the transplant team includes physicians, surgeons, nurses, social worker…


Transplant Manitoba

Transplant Manitoba consists of five dynamic teams dedicated to caring for individuals before and after transplant, and includes the Gift of Life, the program responsible for coordinating and supporting organ donation in the province. 


Transplant Quebec

Mission: Supporting Quebecers’ shared passion for saving lives and improving the health of people in desperate need of an organ, Transplant Québec:

  • coordinates the organ donation process leading to transplantation, fostering the greatest possible availability of quality donor…

Trillium Gift of Life Network (Ontario's Transplant Program)

Ontario Health (Trillium Gift of Life Network) is responsible for delivering and coordinating organ and tissue
donation and transplantation services across the province, as well as for planning, promoting and supporting all
health care and allied professionals, advocates and the Ontario public in ful…


Multi-Organ Transplant Program of Atlantic Canada (MOTP)

MOTP provides solid organ transplantation services for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland. This Program provides kidney, liver, heart, and pancreas transplantation services. A Regional Tissue Bank, also located at the hospital, retrieves and distributes donated t…


Implementing a Patient Portal for the Remote Follow-Up of Self-Isolating Patients With COVID-19 Infection Through Patient and Stakeholder Engagement (the Opal-COVID Study): Mixed Methods Pilot Study

Background:The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedent challenge to public health systems, with 95% of cases in Quebec sent home for self-isolation. To ensure continuous care, we implemented an intervention supported by a patient portal (Opal) to remotely monitor at-home patients with COVID-19 via dai…


mRNA COVID-19 vaccine safety among children and adolescents: a Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network cohort study

The Canadian National Vaccine Safety Network closely monitored the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in children and teens. This study focused on understanding any short-term to medium-term side effects of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in young people of all ages. 


A living systematic review and rapid recommendations of the effect of COVID-19 vaccination strategies on outcomes in solid organ transplant recipients

Solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients were excluded from clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. There is uncertainty about the number of doses required to prevent life-threatening infection, as well as uncertainty in the optimal vaccine type and their durability. Our object…


Navigating the Pandemic for Immunocompromised patients, families, & caregivers

CDTRP Special Interview Series discussing COVID-19, the TREAT-COVID project, research, public policy, and impact on patients and familes. Learn more about TREAT-COVID:


CDTRP 2024 National COVID 19 Prioritization Session

The TREAT-COVID Study investigates how Covid-19 continues to impact the transplant community. This session was a great opportunity to learn more about the TREAT-COVID study and discuss ways to retain participants and communicate health economics in plain language. 

Dr. Dima Kabbani and Jad Fadlall…


Vaccine chronicles: characterizing immune responses in transplant recipients through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Victor Ferreira is an Assistant Scientist in the Ajmera Transplant Centre at the University Health Network (UHN) and the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (TGHRI).

This presentation is part of the CDTRP 2024 Research Connect Series
