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Photo by S Migaj
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Abstarct reviewer for Canadian Society of Transplantation Annual Scientific meeting

Sunita Mathur
Queen's University
Anticipated time commitment
3.5 hrs
Application deadline
Type of Organ
Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lung, Pancreas, Stemcell
Opportunity Type
Research Partner
T2 - Practices for Donation, T3 - Better Grafts, T4 - Optimizing Immune Systems, T5 - Restoring Long-Term Health

The Canadian Society of Transplantation Annual Scientific Meeting attracts researchers from across the country to present their newest research findings to the transplant community. The researchers write a scientific abstract and a plan language (lay abstract). We are looking for PFD partners to review the lay abstracts and provide a rating. The reviewers will also identify abstracts that should be considered for a lay abstract award, which will be presented at the conference to the top 3 lay abstracts.

Experience required

PFD partners will read and rate 10 lay abstracts through an online portal. The work can be done at your own pace and on your own time. You will have the opportuniyt to read about the latest research being conducted in Canada on donation and transplantation.

Potential roles for PFD Partners

We will need 12 patient partners to be reviewers, it is about a 3.5 hr time committee (20 minutes per abstract, and ~10 abstracts to review)


You will receive an honorarium for your time (~$175)

How to get in touch

Sunita Mathur
Job title
Associate Professor