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Photo by S Migaj

TREAT-COVID: addressing critical issues and TheRapeutics Emerging in TrAnsplantaTion in COVID-19

Dr. Patricia Gongal
University of Alberta
Anticipated time commitment
Application deadline
Type of Organ
Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lung, Stemcell
Opportunity Type
Research Participant
T5 - Restoring Long-Term Health

The pandemic continues to be hard for many transplant recipients and their families and caregivers. COVID-19 vaccines are less effective for transplant recipients. This is due to their suppressed immune systems. As a result, transplant recipients who get COVID-19 are at a higher risk of hospitalization and death. Preventing severe disease in transplant recipients requires different strategies.

A New Study

The CDTRP’s COVID-19 research is centered on addressing patient, family, and caregiver priorities. We have engaged the transplant community to learn how research and policy can support the recovery of quality of life during COVID-19 and in future health concerns.

TREAT-COVID will be recruiting at 11 different sites across Canada, and are currently recruiting here:

  • BC Children’s
  • Stollery Children’s Hospital (Edmonton)
  • University of Alberta (Edmonton)
  • Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal
  • Institut de cardiologie de Montréal
  • Université Laval
  • Montreal Children’s Hospital

Learn more here: https://cdtrp.ca/en/treatcovid/

Enroll here: https://omc.ohri.ca/TREATCovid/Default.aspx 

Experience required

Adult transplant patients can participate if:

  • 18 or older.
  • Provide informed consent in clinic or online via the TREAT-COVID Data Platform
  • Organ transplant recipient on at least one immunosuppressive.
  • Followed by one of the participating transplant centers:
    Vancouver General Hospital
    St. Paul’s Hospital (BC)
    University of Alberta Hospital
    London Health Sciences Centre (Ontario)
    University Health Network (Ontario)
    Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal
    Institut de cardiologie de Montréal
    Université Laval

Pediatric Transplant Recipients can participate if

  • 17 or under
  • Family member/caregiver must enroll
  • Parent and child provide informed consent in clinic or online via the TREAT-COVID Data Platform
  • Organ transplant recipient on at least one immunosuppressive.
  • Followed by one of the participating transplant centers:
    BC Children’s Hospital
    Stollery Children’s Hospital (Alberta)
    The Hospital for Sick Children (Ontario)
    Montréal Children’s Hospital

Stem Cell transplant recipients can participate if

  • 18 or older.
  • Provide informed consent in clinic or online via the TREAT-COVID Data Platform.
  • Allogeneic (received donation from someone else) recipient receiving ongoing immunosuppressants.
  • Autologous (received stem cell from yourself) recipients within 12 months from the date of stem cell infusion on at least one immunosuppressive (all genders).
  • Followed by one of the participating transplant centers:
    Vancouver General Hospital
    St. Paul Hospital
    London Health Sciences Centre (Ontario)
    University Health Network (Ontario)
    Université Laval

Potential roles for PFD Partners

  • Complete 3 online questionnaires every three months for two years online. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, you will complete the questionnaires before three months.

  • Questionnaires will ask you about your physical health, mental well-being and the financial impact during the pandemic.


All participants will receive a $15 gift card after completion of the initial survey.

How to get in touch

Job title

If you want to learn more, email us at Info@cdtrp.ca