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Cette série vidéo en 6 parties décrit le processus de transplantation rénale où des prestataires de soins de santé partagent leurs connaissances, et des personnes vivant avec une maladie rénale font part de leurs expériences. Nous espérons que ces vidéos vous aideront à apprendre comment faire de votre transplantation une réussite.

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Patients Seeking Donors

Are you looking for a living kidney donor, or know someone who is?

The Patients Seeking Donors initiative aims to help kidney patients spread awareness of their need for a living donor kidney transplant and potentially match eligible living kidney donors with Canadians in need of life-saving trans…


Engaging beyond the usual suspects: Challenges and opportunities from the patient perspective

Dr. Tamara L. McCarron, Karen Moffat, Heather Martens, Nancy Verdin Learning objectives:

1. Discuss the role of patient in health research

2. Consider ways to implement meaningful patient engagement to reduce inequities 3.

Explore engagement challenges in health research from the patient perspec…


Explore Health Stories: The Value of Digital Storytelling to Amplify the Patient Voice

Site web

CIHR: Ethics Guidance for Developing Partnerships with Patients and Researchers

This guidance was designed to help researchers and patients develop research partnerships in the design or conduct of research – a process known as patient-engaged research. 

The guidance and accumulated wisdom in the document draw on the experiences of the authors, comments during consultations, …