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Simon Keith and Dr. Lori West appointed to Order of Canada in recent years

Learn more about how these two pioneers have contributed to the field of donation and transplantation in Canada: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/order-of-canada-organ-donor-1.6703799

Study recruitment: Making visible the life stories of families of children who are immunocompromised during COVID-19

Dr. Roberta Woodgate, a Distinguished Professor and Researcher in the College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba is conducting a study with a team of researcher…

What is known and unknown about COVID-19 therapeutics for transplant recipients?

CDTRP Webinar Series: What is known and unknown about COVID-19 therapeutics for transplant recipients? With Dr. Sara Belga and Dr. Catherine Burton

Green Shirt Day 2022: Interview with Bernadine and Toby Boulet

In honour of Green Shirt Day and Organ & Tissue Donation Awareness Month, Communications Manager Stéphanie, met with Bernadine and Toby Boulet, the parents of Logan Boulet, who died in the tragic 201…

Mapping the Canadian Research & Innovation Ecosystems in Donation and Transplantation

The Health Canada-led Organ Donation and Transplantation Collaborative, with the support of the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP), is working to develop an organ donation…

CDTRP Patient, Family and Donor Research Forum

Patient, Family and Donor Research Forum – Registrations Open!

The CDTRP is happy to invite all patients, family members and living donors interested in donation and transplantation research to the …
